The bell just rang, awakening me from my pleasant daydreams. 'Good god,' I thought 'I have to go for that horrible class. The hateful Engineering lectures!
Idiots who think they know everything and think that everyone else is plain stupid. They think no end of themselves, the alien beings! Its all a farce!
Standing up when the professor comes in and showing some respect just because she has the attendance register and the marks in her hand. Pretending to pay attention in spite of having no interest or inclination in learning whatever the 'poor thing' is saying. Trying not to yawn when her eye is on you... What hypocrites!! They think the professor is just dumb. She doesn't know anything at all!
Then again there are the first two rows, the geeks and the nerds (what's the difference? The geeks are slightly more intelligent. The nerds are just nerdy!) They actually pay attention and take notes. Unfortunately, they also ask profound questions to which thoughtful answers must be provided to satisfaction.
Also, there is the species that comes in 15-20 before the lecture is about to end just so that they get marked present when the attendance is taken. They will hang around right outside class for forty-five minutes and get dead bored but they will not enter the class till the eleventh hour. It's so exasperating. I hate going for lectures.
"I don't want to go to class," I whined. "But you have to," said everyone around me. "Who will teach those brats if you don't go? Then we'll be stuck with them for another year! Just go na, we understand it's horrible but it's only an hour, and you can always go late!"
Idiots who think they know everything and think that everyone else is plain stupid. They think no end of themselves, the alien beings! Its all a farce!

Then again there are the first two rows, the geeks and the nerds (what's the difference? The geeks are slightly more intelligent. The nerds are just nerdy!) They actually pay attention and take notes. Unfortunately, they also ask profound questions to which thoughtful answers must be provided to satisfaction.
Also, there is the species that comes in 15-20 before the lecture is about to end just so that they get marked present when the attendance is taken. They will hang around right outside class for forty-five minutes and get dead bored but they will not enter the class till the eleventh hour. It's so exasperating. I hate going for lectures.
"I don't want to go to class," I whined. "But you have to," said everyone around me. "Who will teach those brats if you don't go? Then we'll be stuck with them for another year! Just go na, we understand it's horrible but it's only an hour, and you can always go late!"