Many interracial couples are faced with negative reactions from society, making it hard for them to have a regular relationship. They have to deal with disapproval from their own race, pessimistic reactions from family and friends, and not to mention the ignorance of society as a whole. Why is interracial dating so controversial? Is not racism, a thing of the past, or is that what we would like to believe?
People who date and socialize with people of different racial groups frequently experience negative reactions. Many of the disapproving messages come from people of their own racial group. They scoff and make fun of the idea that they are dating someone with a different tone of skin or ethnic background.
According to a poll , many people believe that people should date within their race to keep the unity within the ethnic community. It is like they believe in sequestering each racial group. They believe that every race is uniquely special and should not be integrated. Mixing races would only cause problems.

Many people who date out of their race are likely to encounter tension and criticism from society as a whole. People tend to have a superficial understanding about interracial dating and forget about the true meaning of a relationship. What temerity is this, receiving constant stares and negative reactions, it is completely rude and ignorant of people.
It is unequivocal that interracial dating is not easy. Is any relationship easy, interracial or not? But dating and marriage are not about pleasing others. It is about being with the person you love and want to spend the rest of your life with. Race is not an issue when love is concerned. What is important is the factors that make the relationship work, such as trust and love, not what is pleasing to others.
Thus, why is society making it harder on them? How many interracial couples have been on the receiving end of many offensive stares when walking down the street? Why do people care? It is an issue of concern only to the couple. If one chooses to date a person of another race, why should society be bothered? It is an issue that needs to be dealt with by the individual people involved. Society is simply wasting there time by interfering with the couples relationship. It is wrong and unethical on their part to make it hard for them. If a couple is in love let them be happy. Those who repudiate interracial dating and feel that it is wrong need to attempt breaking down the color barriers that exist so highly in their lives. We were not put on this earth to criticize people on the way they feel, but to venerate and respect them. If two people can love each other, what difference does it make as to their roots and color.

A very good blog to make people understand that there's nothing wrong in interracial dating....who r we to create boundaries between ourselves when the Creator Himself didn't make any.
We all should follow the religion of LOVE and HUMANITY.
well written bro...keep it up.
Good topic.
I agree that racism shouldnt come in the way of 2 ppl in love.
And other ppl should keep their fckin ideas to themselves,who r they to interfere.
Nice blog bro
btw nice blog
i hav to say u hav made clear way for urself to make global friendship
just jokin!
i need to admit that racism shudnt come in way of 2 ppl in love but when u marry a person u get connected to their family
its not one person anymore; hav to face a bunch of people with whom u may or may not get along well
is second case the social life gets affected
though i must admit tht if one likes a person he/she will get used to other's family; as evrything is fair in love and war
anyways nice topic bro
the topic is actualy an eye opener for ppl in india.. if ths things are easily acceptable abraodd then y not in india ppl accept interracial relations n its realy a well writn by you..
Keep up the good work dear..
truely relevant a topic!
loved de theme..n itz reeli v unfortunate dat ppl r so narrow minded wen it comes to interracial relationshipz..good write!
good one indeed! it is really necessary to make people understand that differences in race,caste n all are just man-made social elements that restrict people to increase their social circle n reach.this post truely serves the afforesaid purpose n wud definitely prove 2 be a platform 2 reduce those differences n hence a step forward in making the world a global community!
A very sensitive issue u have put forth....nothing can come in the way of two souls in love....WELL WRITTEN.....
Very serious topics you got here! ;)
Anyways, you know what.. inter-racial marriages and/or relationships are very common abroad. And i am also talking about the indians, who very often choose a partner from a different race. So its not really a big deal overseas. Hence now a days inter-racial relationships are quite a norm! I think the problem arises when it comes to religion. That is when the actual problem starts!
topic is quiet good...even the reasons seem to be authentic...but i personally dun believe in inter racial dating...anyways....the way of expression is impressive.... well done n well written..
The topic is really sensitive and eyeopener to each and everyone...
really good topic.there is nothing wrong in interracial dating . I'm also in interracial relationship .I meet my love on an online interracial dating websites .
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